Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) Hair Loss And Face Treatment

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) Hair Loss And Face Treatment

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PRF Hair Loss Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment

What Are The Rich Fibrin Injections?

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is the second generation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and the injections are used to rejuvenate skin. PRF injections are made from your own blood and a protein matrix called fibrin. Once harvested, it becomes a gel made up of a high concentration of white blood cells, fibrin, and stem cells (growth factors).

PRF Treatment For Hair Loss And Face

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)

Platelet-rich fibrin injections help stimulate healing. This specific platelet mixture helps build tissue, as fibrin is known to stimulate stem cells which improve collagen and elastin in the skin. PRF can help make the skin heal at the cellular level as fibrin responds positively to an injury.

Price: From: £300

How Do PRF Injections Works?

Platelet-rich fibrin injections help stimulate healing. This specific platelet mixture helps build tissue, as fibrin is known to stimulate stem cells which improve collagen and elastin in the skin. PRF can help make the skin heal at the cellular level as fibrin responds positively to an injury.


A very mild stinging sensation may be felt. There is some minor discomfort when the injections into the  scalp are made but these are done with a very fine needle to minimise any pain.


All non-invasive treatments carry a small element of risk, which is why at Prity Salon we only carry out treatments after a face to face consultation, during which we will assess you, and detail the cautions and contradictions for the procedure.

Who Can Benefit From PRF Injections?

PRF injections are safe for anyone who wants more youthful-looking skin. PRF injections are also used to stimulate hair growth; therefore they may be a valid treatment for those suffering from hair loss. They are also used to help wounds with healing, which is why PRF injections are being used in the dental industry as well.


The procedure takes less than one hour and has minimal to no downtime and the healing process is gradual and can take up to 8-12 weeks to see desired results.


Depending on the area treated, repeat treatments may be necessary to continue the desired effects. Hair rejuvenation with PRF should be repeated six months to continue new hair follicle growth. 

What Does A PRF Treatment Entail?

PRF treatments are done over a six to eight-week period. Longer-term effects will take treatments over three to four months that typically last six to twelve months. PRF treatments entail harvesting of your own blood which becomes a gel after 15-20 minutes when it is then re-injected into the problem area.


Before the PRF treatment:

  • Avoid alcohol, cigarette, blood thinning supplements and pain-killer
  • Stay hydrated the whole week before the procedure
  • Recommended to drink 6 glasses of water per day
  • Wash your hair in the morning on the day of procedure

After the PRP treatment:

  • Avoid heavy exercise
  • Shampoo your hair the very next day after the procedure
  • Don’t use styling products for 24 hours
  • Wear hat to protect from UV rays
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, medications and supplements


Response and number of sessions may vary by client. Smokers may require more treatment sessions that non-smokers as tobacco smoke toxins may diminish cellular responsiveness to PRF.

How many treatments do i need?

4 fortnight treatments and to 4 monthly treatments, after that 3 to 4 follow up treatment in a year.

What Areas Of The Face And Body Respond Best To PRF Injections?

PRF treatments are commonly used to help fill creases around and under the eyes, around the mouth, the temples and head for hair loss.

PRP Vs PRF What Is The Difference?

Although there are some basic similarities between platelet-rich plasma and platelet-rich fibrin, it is the differences between these two products that makes platelet-rich fibrin stand out as a superior treatment option. Both of these products require blood to be taken from the patient. PRP requires more blood to be taken than PRF. Both of the products require the whole blood sample to be placed into a centrifuge, where the blood is then processed to help separate the blood into distinct layers. Platelet-rich plasma is spun at a higher speed, which effectively causes all of the heavier cells in the blood, such as white blood cells and stem cells, to collect in the bottom part of the test tube and allows the lighter platelets and plasma to collect in the top part of the test tube. The platelets and plasma are then collected from the upper part of the test tube and injected into the region with tissue damage. However, newer research is showing that a platelet product that has an even higher concentration of platelets, as well as a concentration of some white blood cells and stem cells, is even more effective than traditional platelet-rich plasma. With this new information, platelet-rich fibrin was created. The PRF product is spun at a lower speed so that the layers of the blood do not separate out as distinctly. This allows some of the white blood cells and stem cells to remain within the platelet layer that is collected for treatment. Thus, there are more healing factors within PRF than is typically seen in PRP. In addition, the lower spin speed causes less trauma to the individual cells of the blood, allowing more stem cells to remain in the final PRF product.

Another distinct difference between platelet-rich plasma and platelet-rich fibrin is the concentration of platelets within the final product. Literature states that an ideal concentration of platelets for a platelet rich plasma sample is between 2-5 times the level of platelets typically found within the body. Newer literature now points out that an even higher concentration of platelets may be even more effective in the treatment of tissue damage. Platelet-rich fibrin products contain approximately 10 times the platelet concentration that is found within the body.

A final difference worth mentioning between platelet-rich plasma and platelet-rich fibrin is the fact that with PRF, no anticoagulant is used during the processing of the blood. With platelet-rich plasma, the blood that is collected is placed in test tubes that have an anticoagulant called acid citrate dextrose (ACD), which keeps the blood product from clotting too quickly. In an effort to keep the platelet product as natural as possible, the platelet-rich fibrin test tubes do not have any anticoagulant within them. Without any anticoagulant in the test tubes, the natural fibrinogen within our blood is converted to fibrin by thrombin in the early stages of clot formation. This creates a spongy fibrin matrix that activates the platelets and allows for a slow release of growth factors, which starts the tissue healing process.

Book An Appointment

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